其他争议解决方式 Standards and 最佳实践





I. 国家资金的分配和合理使用


A. ADR/调解部分应根据初审法院预算委员会批准的公式提供资金.

B. ADR/调解要素的资助公式应基于以下原则:

  1. 该公式应得出提供ADR/调解服务所需的总金额;
  2. The formula shall be based on the actual median cost of a mediation session, 按案例类型划分, applied to projected event data from the Uniform Data Reporting System;
  3. The formula shall incorporate a modifier for non-direct service functions;
  4. The formula shall incorporate a modifier for multi-county circuits; and
  5. The formula shall incorporate a modifier for the use of volunteers and pro bono service providers regardless of whether a circuit uses these resources.

C. Funds collected for ADR/Mediation services shall be pooled into one statewide trust account for allocation by the Trial Court 预算 Commission.

D. 资金分配应考虑到资金的总需要,以便使整个审判法院提供的服务水平统一和公平,而不应仅仅以每个巡回法庭的个别收集为基础.

E. 在立法预算申请过程中,应要求巡回法院申请额外资源,以优化巡回法院所有县的覆盖范围,并在调解模式下覆盖所有适当的案件类型.

F. 在立法预算申请过程中,巡回法院要求的额外资源应优先用于调解模式下允许的ADR/调解功能.

G. Positions allotted to the ADR/Mediation element shall primarily perform Mediation Model functions; however, these positions shall not be prohibited from performing other ADR functions (except service delivery) in addition to their primary responsibilities.

H. ADR/调解部门的支出应限于与ADR/调解部门相关的费用.


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II. 调解会议费用及会议长度


A. 县以上小额索赔案件和家庭案件的调解费用由佛罗里达州法规规定.

  1. Mediation fees in county cases above small claims shall be $60 per party per session.
  2. 家事调解费用为:
    • 在家事调解中,如双方入息合计超过50元,则每次会期每人120元,000, 但不到100美元,每年1万;
    • 在家事调解中,如双方入息合共少于50元,则每次会议每人须缴付60元,000.
    • 扶养调解服务不向当事人收取调解时段费用.
    • 应免费向贫困方提供服务.

B. County mediations shall be scheduled for any amount of time between 60 and 90 minutes at the discretion of the ADR director, 但在任何情况下,双方不得在90分钟结束后再收取额外费用.

C. Family mediations shall be scheduled for any amount of time between two and three hours at the discration of the ADR director, 但在任何情况下,在三小时届满之前,不得向双方收取额外费用.

D. For the purposes of assessing fees pursuant to section 44.《bg视讯》第108(2)条, 数据收集和资金计算, 调解会议应定义如下:

  1. A county mediation (above small claims) session is no more than 90 minutes and
  2. 一次家事调解的时间不超过3小时.

E. For the purposes of 数据收集和资金计算, 调解会议应定义如下:

  1. 小额索赔调解会议是60分钟,而且
  2. A dependency mediation session is no more than three hours.


a. 在县级以上的小额索赔和家庭调解案件中, 除非双方另有约定,每个案件最初只应安排一次开庭.


适用的规则和法规 (摘自ADR资源手册)


3. 收费流程


A. 接获法庭调解服务命令时, mediation parties shall pay the statutorily authorized fees to the clerk of the court.

B. 根据第44条.《bg视讯官方平台》, the clerk of the court shall submit to the chief judge of the circuit and to the Office of the State Courts Administrator, no later than 30 days after the end of each quarter of the fiscal year, 一份报告,说明在财政年度的前一个季度中收集和汇入州法院调解和仲裁信托基金的资金数额.  除了确定所有法定来源的总累计收款和减免, the report must identify collections and remissions by each statutory source.


a. ADR主任应在向当事人发送调解通知和/或命令之前进行尽职调查并确定每一方的费用评估.

b. The trial court administrator should work with the clerk of court to develop a procedure for tracking mediation service fees from assessment to collection.

c. 所欠费用应随调解通知书及转介调解一并提供给当事人.

d. 根据法规, 一旦安排并注意到调解, 无论当事人是否出席预定的调解,都应缴纳分摊费用.

e. If one party fails to appear at a scheduled mediation session, 出庭的一方应支付评估费用, 对未到庭的,应当追缴缺席的调解费用;法院裁定或者当事人同意重新开庭的,还应当追缴双方的调解费用.

f. 如一方当事人未能缴付经评估的调解费用,仍须进行初步调解.

g. 由ADR主管决定, no subsequent mediation session should be scheduled or conducted until all prior assessed mediation fees are paid in full.

h. 如一方当事人未能缴付经评估的调解费用, 未付款应由初审法院行政官或指定人员向法院报告, and the court shall issue an Order to Show Cause within ten days.  

i. The court should review mediation service fees paid by the parties at the final hearing and should reapportion the fees as equitable.

j. 如果法院下令退款, authorization should be transmitted by the ADR director for processing and issuance to the OSCA Finance and Accounting Office.

k. 初审法院行政人员应与法院书记员协调,以便按照第44条规定的季度报告的方式,每月审查法定来源的收款.《bg视讯官方平台》.

l. ADR主管应将月度或季度报告与每月或季度调解的案件进行核对,以确定业务员是否正确收取和汇出费用. 


适用的规则和法规 (摘自ADR资源手册)



IV. 法院申请ADR/调解 & 情况下推荐


AReferrals to mediation and non-binding arbitration shall be consistent with chapter 44, 佛罗里达的律例, state court procedural rules and other policies or reports that may be adopted.

B. The issuance of a 家庭暴力 (DV) Injunction shall not be mediated.

C. 司法裁定后DV禁令案件附属问题的调解可以进行调解, but shall only be conducted by an experienced certified 家庭 mediator with an understanding of domestic violence dynamics.

D. 家庭暴力禁令案件达成的书面调解协议,由法院审查, 如果得到批准, 纳入最终判决.

E. 转介家事调解的命令应包括, 在显眼的地方, the statutory language that “upon motion or request of a party, 如果法院发现有家庭暴力的历史会影响调解程序,以及在这种情况下一方应该联系谁的信息,法院不得将任何案件提交调解.

F. 所有提交调解的命令应包括, 在显眼的地方, a Notice to Persons with Disabilities in accordance with rule 2.《bg视讯官方平台》第540条.  规则2.第540条规定,在公共设施内进行的所有法庭诉讼的通知,以及强制出庭的所有程序,都应包括以下声明: 

如果您是残障人士,需要任何便利才能参与本程序, 你有权, 不需要你付出任何代价, 提供某些援助.  Please contact [identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number] within 2 working days of your receipt of this [describe notice]; if you are hearing or voice impaired, 拨打711.


a. 如果有必要的话, all contested small claims and county civil cases should be referred to mediation automatically by administrative order.

  1. 《bg视讯》应包含有关调解案件转介的标准预印资料.
  2. 在驱逐案件中,应在移交调解后十天内移交调解.
  3. 对于上述小额索赔的县法院案件,应在状态听证会上提交调解, 如果可能的话, 不迟于审前会议.  应使用标准的时间表,规定发现的时间框架(30天)。, 调解(45天), 试验日期(60-90天).  The court should have available mediation dates to choose from in order to minimize delay and scheduling difficulties. 

b. 在提交答辩和/或提交和/或交换财务誓章后,应尽快转介家事调解, 并且在提交30天的审判通知之前. 

  1. 在进行家事调解之前,应筛选案件是否适合调解.
  2. 如果任何一方寻求紧急或临时救济, the court should determine if the case should be expedited.  如果是这样的话, 调解应在转介后一周内进行,否则案件应由法院审理. 
  3. 如果召开了病例管理会议, the judge should review the file to determine whether the case is ready for mediation and whether domestic violence issues exclude the case from mediation. ADR程序应向法院提供可用的调解日期,以尽量减少适合调解的案件的延误和安排困难.
  4. Cases that are re-opened via a Supplemental Petition or Motion for Modification should be referred as soon as possible after service is obtained.

c.    所有依赖案例, 包括终止父母权利, should be screened by the court and ordered to mediation as appropriate. 

  1. Mediation referrals made at the shelter or arraignment hearing for mediation should be held within seven to ten days.  Available mediation dates should be provided by the ADR program to the court in order to minimize delay and scheduling difficulties. 
  2. 在终止父母权利的案件中, mediation referrals should be made at the Advisory Hearing and the mediation conference should be held within 30 days.  Available mediation dates should be provided by the ADR program to the court in order to minimize delay and scheduling difficulties.

d.   首席法官, 或被任命者, 各巡回法院应保留一份合格仲裁员名单,供法院裁定的无约束力仲裁使用


适用的规则 & 法规(摘自ADR资源手册)


V. 法院ADR人员配备和职能


A. 至少, 每个司法巡回法院应配备一名替代性争议解决(ADR)主任, at least one mediation services coordinator and an administrative support position.

B. ADR staff shall perform ADR functions across all counties.

C. ADR主任应负责所有与巡回法院相关的ADR活动,并应监督所有巡回法院调解人员. 

D. ADR主任负责监督现有的全巡回ADR/调解项目,并就新的和现有的项目向初审法院行政官和巡回审判长提出创新建议. 

E. ADR主任应是佛罗里达州最高法院认证的县和家庭调解员,可以根据需要为法院调解这些类型的案件.

F. All mediation services coordinators shall be Florida Supreme Court certified mediators in a minimum of one area of mediation certification.

G. 在小额索赔调解提交和调解期间,ADR主任应出席或指定某人出席所有审前会议,以处理可能出现的问题.

H. ADR主任应确保在案件调解的每一天,法院设施中有适当数量的调解室可供所有程序调解使用.

I. ADR主管应进行协调, 所有县(包括小额索赔)的调度和行政支持功能, 家庭, 和依赖调解提交法院ADR程序,无论这些案件是否由工作人员调解, 合同或志愿调解员. 

J. The ADR director shall provide mentorship assistance to mediator trainees seeking certification who reside or are employed within the circuit.

K. The ADR director and mediation service coordinator(s) shall respond to requests from the OSCA/Dispute Resolution Center.

L. ADR主任应向OSCA/争议解决中心提交年度调解项目统计数据, 按照要求.


a. The ADR director should rotate cases among their program mediators on an equitable basis that allows similar opportunities for all mediators to serve.

b. ADR主管应为项目调解员提供机会,使其每个财政年度至少获得8小时的继续调解员教育(CME).

c. The ADR director should be a Florida Supreme Court certified dependency mediator.



VI. 提供调解服务


A. 各巡回法院应实施调解服务模式,在初审法院预算委员会(TCBC)制定的经费公式的限制下,最大限度地调解案件的数量。.


a. The use of employee mediators should be based on the following factors:

  1. 工作量足够,要求雇员调解员每天至少调解6小时
  2. Availability of qualified individuals willing to accept employee positions
  3. 比合同模式更具成本效益
  4. 案例的复杂性

b. The use of contractual mediators should be based on the following factors:

  1. 补偿率在TCBC的指导方针内
  2. 是否有足够的合资格调解员愿意按合约价格接受转介
  3. 有足够的案件量提交法院程序,当事人须支付补贴的调解费用(不只是提交法院程序的贫困案件)
  4. Availability of coordination, scheduling and fiscal staff
  5. 案例的复杂性  

c. The use of volunteer mediators should be based on the following factors:

  1. Availability of qualified individuals willing to volunteer as mediators
  2. 在使用志愿者方面取得的历史性成功
  3. Lack of adequate funding to hire or contract with mediators
  4. 案例的复杂性 

d.   Agreements (or contracts) should be entered into annually for all mediators providing service through the court program, whether they are paid via contract or serve as volunteers.

e.   Each court program should conduct an orientation session with contract and volunteer mediators prior to their assignment of cases to review:

  1. 调解员的权利和义务
  2. 接受任务的程序
  3. 期望的道德行为标准
  4. 工作表现检讨准则
  5. 补偿率(如适用)
  6. 调度程序
  7. Methods and procedures for payment and reimbursement for expenses (if applicable)

f.    Each court program should schedule volunteer mediators in a manner so that the scheduled mediators will have sufficient cases to mediate.

g.   Each court program should establish a process for evaluating the performance of contract and volunteer mediators on an annual basis.  The process should include criteria for determining whether the agreement or contract with the mediator should be renewed.  需要考虑的因素包括:

  1. 可靠性(调解员是否履行了所有义务)
  2. Party satisfaction (were there any formal or informal complaints)
  3. 愿意协助导师
  4. 书面协议的清晰度
  5. 技术水平
  6. Maintenance of all requirements for continued certification  

h.   Program mediations should be held at court facilities whenever possible.  In the event that mediation is scheduled off-site, the 设施 must be ADA compliant.


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7. 合同赔偿


A. Contract mediators shall be paid at a rate not to exceed the following:

  • 小额索赔每小时30美元
  • 县民事每小时50美元
  • 家庭每小时100美元
  • 依赖性每小时100美元

B. All mediation service contracts shall contain standardized template language developed by OSCA for the procurement of mediation services.



8. 县法院调解


A. 每个县调解计划应保持佛罗里达州最高法院认证的县调解员名册,这些调解员将可为法院计划调解小额索赔案件.  This roster shall represent the diversity of the community.

B. County mediators shall be selected for placement on the roster through a process similar to the hiring process for employees.  具体地说, the policies and procedures for employment shall be utilized to the extent applicable including advertising vacancies as needed.  申请人的背景调查和推荐信应在参加培训或赞助前完成, 如果已经获得认证, 列入项目花名册.

C. ADR主任应在不迟于调解/审前会议日期前14天通知小额索赔调解员其指定的日程安排.

D. Every mediation shall be conducted in an individual private room.


a. 每个县调解项目都应保留一份有兴趣在该县提供县调解(小额索赔以上)服务的佛罗里达州最高法院认证的县调解员名册.  

b. 如果调解员名册或申请人池不能反映社区的多样性, more proactive outreach methods should be used to encourage diversity.

c. 一个面板, 由ADR董事或指定人员组成, 应当由法官和法院行政指定人员填补县调解名册空缺.

d. With the exception of rural counties and areas with historical needs, 在过去60天内未对法院程序进行调解的调解员应从名册中除名. 

e. Although programs have discretion on mediator assignments, 各方案应在公平的基础上安排和分配案件给其名册调解员.

f. County civil cases (above small claims) should be referred to mediators based upon the competencies of the mediator and issues brought forth in the case. 有足够技术水平的志愿者可以使用.

g. 在任何情况下,任何项目安排的调解员都不应超过可用的调解室.   

h. The OSCA Dispute Resolution Center should sponsor a maximum of three statewide county training programs per fiscal year, 保持中立:保持中立, non-courthouse, 设施.  Each “large” circuit would be invited to send three trainees; each “medium” circuit to send two trainees; and each “small” circuit to send one trainee per training.  Circuits would be allowed to utilize up to two unused training slots per year from other circuits or training slots unused for that year, 如果篇幅允许的话. 

i. 由OSCA争议解决中心决定, 建立新的县调解培训的县应安排额外的培训. 


适用的规则 & 法规 (摘自ADR资源手册)

